Tuesday 25 January 2022

Fire Safety at Home


Annual General Meeting 2022

Following the AGM Preference Question and also a Branch Committee discussion at January's branch meeting. It has been decided that in the interest of keeping everyone safe, we are to hold the Branch AGM for 2022 online.

This year AGM will be performed based on MS Teams. The meeting will take place on Friday 18th March 2022. We aim to start at 14:00 and conclude no later than 16:30.

In order to receive the link for the meeting, you will need to pre-register, click the link below. 

Pre-Registration for the UNISON@LJMU AGM 2022

The running order of the AGM has been set as:

1)  Opening the meeting and Welcome

2)  Minutes from 2021 AGM

3)  Branch Accounts 2021/2022

4)  Election of Branch Officials 2022/2023

5)  Branch Plan 2022/2023

6)  Current Negotiations

7)  Any Other Business

8)  Keep in Touch

9) Prize Draw

10) Close of Meeting and Thank You

The Branch Committee is looking forward to seeing you all at the AGM.

Once the AGM Paperwork document is finalised a link will be distributed.