Thursday 14 April 2022

City of Liverpool the Way Forward

We want everyone who lives in Liverpool to have 
their say on how the city is governed in the future.

Why now?

The current term of office for Liverpool’s directly elected Mayor ends in May 2023. This means that it’s a good time to consider whether to continue with having an elected Mayor or change to one of two alternative ways to run the council. If the Council does not make the change before May 2023, any change can’t take place until 2027.

We are therefore consulting Liverpool residents on ‘How would you like the council to be run?’

What are the options?

There are three possible ways to run the Council:

  • An elected Mayor is directly elected by voters. This is how the council is run now.
  • A leader is an elected councillor chosen by the other elected councillors.
  • By one or more council committees made up of elected councillors.

Detailed information on how each model of governance works and the consultation process can be found at If you do not have access to a computer or tablet, you can use the IT equipment in local libraries.

How do I have my say?

We want to hear what you think about a change and your preferred model, if you have one.

You can either:

  • Complete the online ‘our way forward’ survey - It only takes two minutes to complete. All survey responses must be submitted by 5pm on 20th June 2022.

You can also write to us at:

Electoral Services, Liverpool City Council, Cunard Building, Water Street, Liverpool, L3 1AH.

Your Privacy

The survey asks for your full name, address and postcode so your choice is only counted once.

You can also give us your views to support the option you choose. Please see our full privacy notice for further details

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