Tuesday 7 June 2022

Young Members Officer

The role of the branch's young members’ officer is ideal for someone who is interested in becoming more active in the union. The post may be a stepping stone to becoming a steward or taking on wider roles.

Tasks relating to the post of young members’ officer:

  • Other branch officers will assist in these tasks.

  • Branch young members’ officers must be under 27 years of age for the whole of their term of office.

  • to recruit new members and to encourage existing young members to become active in the branch

  • to make sure issues of concern to young workers are raised by the branch

  • to act as a focal point for all young workers in the branch and workplaces

  • to receive and distribute UNISON young members' information

  • to encourage involvement in UNISON young members campaigns

  • to build branch young members organisation and to ensure there are potential new young members’ officers in the future.

  • to attend the young members' conference

  • to attend the young members' big weekend

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