Tuesday 19 October 2021


We ask that in addition to population screening, if a woman presents at her doctor's and requests a smear test and the GP/nurse agrees, she is given one.

This does not currently happen. This is a gender issue; women are turned away if they are not due for their population screening, despite health care professionals wanting to carry out the test. This doesn't happen to men in relation to prostate examinations.

Since the age for a smear test was put up to 25 in 2004, the number of women under 30 dying from cervical cancer has almost doubled. Cervical cancer is one of the most treatable forms of cancer, with a recovery rate of 99.7% if caught early enough. So why are the Government letting this happen?

Our fight for change is in the final crucial stages.... Would you like to be part of it?

The facts:

  • The rate of cervical cancer has more than doubled in women aged 25-29 years since 2004.
  • In women aged 25 years, there has been a three-fold increase in the rate of cervical cancer since 2007.
  • In 2011, registrations of cervical cancer in England were highest in women aged 25-29 years.
  • A smear test costs the NHS £7.10 but being denied one cost these women their lives.

Cervical cancer is preventable in 99.7% of cases.... So no one should be dying.

Please support UNISON North West's

#SmearOnDemand campaign

You can support our campaign by signing our petition, sharing it and contacting your MPs. Please tag @NorthWestUNISON on Twitter and use #SmearOnDemand

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