Thursday 14 July 2022

Final Pay Dispute Meeting

Dear UNISON Members,

At the final dispute meeting this morning the employers failed to make an improved offer on pay. This mean the offer remains the same as previous emails which is 3% from spinal point 20 and above. In real terms is a pay cut given that this fails to match any measure of inflation.

Realistically, this means the only way we are going to get anything near a decent pay award, is to force the employers back to the negotiating table. That means voting YES, for strike action in the forthcoming industrial action ballot which opens on Friday 22nd of July.

We as a branch will be sending out information and asking members to look out for the ballot papers arriving on or after the 22nd. We need you, our members to get out and use your vote. 

By law we need to get above the 50% threshold of members to participate in the ballot. Then we need to get above the 50% voting threshold for the YES vote, in order to get lawful industrial action. 

Please use your vote. Vote for strike action. We're worth more, we can't afford less. 

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