Friday 29 July 2022

Strike Pay - UPDATE

Dear Members,

We are at last able to release some important information to you that may help with your decision to support the Industrial Action Ballot over the Higher Education Pay Claim 2022/23.

Here is a short quote from the Chair of the UNISON Industrial Action Committee:

"On behalf of the Industrial Action Committee, I can confirm our standing policy is to pay £50 per day strike pay (or full take home pay if this is less) from day one of any properly authorised strike action (subject to sufficient resources being available in the national UNISON Industrial Action Fund)".

 Sandy Nicoll, IAC Chair


Just to expand on this:

Previously strike pay was only £25 per day, and you could only start claiming it on the 3rd day of prolonged Industrial Action (not one day actions). This means there will be less of a financial burden on you each day you participate in the strike. First we need you to vote YES! so that our branch meets the voting threshold. We know it’s a difficult time to lose some money out of your pay, that is why this change has been pushed forward at the highest levels of UNISON to assist you our members.

Everyone is feeling the pinch of the current financial climate. The Retail Price Index is currently at 10%+ and is ever-increasing. Our current Pay offer is 3%, well below the RPI.

If we work together shoulder to shoulder to fight for an improved pay offer that is not in real terms another pay cut. Then together we can make a difference. It’s been 13 years since the Higher Education sector has had a real pay rise. Together, it’s time to make a stand and say no more. If not now, then when?

Vote YES for Industrial Action. Return your ballot paper in the free post envelope ahead of the deadline of 26th August.

Just for information, no date has yet to be set, but this ballot is taking place now so that if we meet the threshold the industrial action will take place at the start of the term.

For more information visit:

Thank you for your continuing support.


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