Tuesday 31 May 2022

16 Reasons

16 reasons people don’t join – how you can change their minds!

“It’s too expensive”

  • Membership is calculated depending on your salary and can be as little as £1.30 per month.
  • It’s value for money – a premium service that offers peace of mind and security.
  • Membership costs do not automatically increase every year.
  • Membership includes free legal advice.
  • It’s not as expensive as losing your job and having no one to fight your corner.
  • We offer concessions for students.

“No one asked me”

  • I’m asking you now!
  • Explain that a union is only as strong as its membership. The more members we have the stronger we become the more protection we can offer.

“I’ve had a bad experience with UNISON in the past”

  • Listen to their negative experience. Steer the conversation towards a more positive outcome by asking how they would have dealt with the situation;
  • Explain that times have changed and that by being part of a collective and getting involved, workplace situations can be resolved;
  • Empathise, and offer support and confidentiality on any current issues.

“I can get all the benefits without joining”

  • You may be able to get certain benefits, but you’re vulnerable without proper representation at disciplinary or grievance meetings.
  • By being part of a democratic process such as consultation and negotiation, you have a voice.
  • “Freeloading” can undermine the strength of the union, which can have a negative effect on deals and agreements.

“Aren’t you affiliated with the Labour Party?”

  • All unions have a political fund. UNISON members can choose to pay a very small part of their subscriptions into the affiliated political fund (Labour Link), the general political fund, both, or neither.

“It could harm my career”

  • Your employer doesn’t need to know you’re a member and you can pay by Direct Debit rather than through your salary.
  • We have a lifelong learning agenda – learning new skills and ongoing training opportunities will help your career, not harm it.

“I’ve never needed to join”

  • The chances are that the union has already fought and won collective issues for everybody, including you; 
  • The workplace is always changing by being a member, you will be represented in situations such as disciplinaries or redundancies.

“I’m an agency worker – I can’t join”

  • Agency workers can join and pay by Direct Debit.
  • We represent thousands of agency workers. (See our Know Your Rights leaflet for agency workers).

“What’s the point? I can’t be bothered”

  • Give examples of local and national successes, including workplace issues.
  • Go “fishing” – show an interest, and ask key questions to prompt further discussion at a later date.
  • UNISON’s role in the workplace, the membership benefits and why we need to increase membership numbers.

“I don’t want to go on strike”

  • A strike is a last resort and only happens if members vote in favour of action.
  • 90% of members have never been on strike because negotiation usually settles disputes.
  • It’s sometimes necessary to go on strike as part of negotiations.

“Unions don’t have any power and don’t do anything”

  • All workers’ rights have been won because of unions – paternity leave, local government pension scheme, national minimum wage, family-friendly policies etc.
  • Unions are a good source of information.
  • Look at our lifelong learning agenda.

“Why bother? It’s a waste of time”

  • The union will always bother you if a problem affects you;
  • If you get actively involved, you can help yourself and your colleagues – that’s a very good use of your time.

“My manager is a member

  • The union is inclusive, so every staff member can join. But they all have an equal voice within the union – the views of the person you’re recruiting will have just as much weight as their manager.

“There’s no personal benefit to me

  • Membership benefits include free legal representation, access to our welfare charity There for You and many training and development opportunities.
  • There are also a host of exclusive member-only financial benefits and deals.

“I’m worried about management reprisals

  • There are trade union laws that protect union members.
  • Talk out their issues and give examples of how these may be resolved.
  • Workers are more likely to be targeted by management if they’re not a member.
  • But at the same time, the employer doesn’t need to know that you’re a member.

“I’m too busy

  • Completing the membership form will take just five minutes!

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