Friday 6 May 2022

Clear Message

The power of the people took centre stage with the positive results coming out of the May 5th polling stations. The people of the UK sending a strong message to the UK Government, that we have all had enough, of the mishandling of the country.

Conservative MP's up and down the country have been refraining from using the Blue Conservative livery and logos. They have been opting for green livery and logos as well as messages to distance themselves from the leadership of the party. The Conservatives have seen a major shift in their support up and down the country, losing so many long term Conservative strongholds. 

These results may mean that the rumours of a snap election will be put on hold to give the party time to repair the internal damage. The main question now is will BoJo step aside for a new leader to be selected or will he push on and divide the party further?  

For the full results of the UK May 5th Council Elections please visit the Guardian NewsPaper for a report on all the results:

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