Friday 17 December 2021

Wednesday 24 November 2021

Thank You


On behalf of The Whitechapel Centre, I would like to thank you for your recent donation of £500.00. We are very grateful to you for thinking of us and our clients, your donation really does make a difference. 

The Whitechapel Centre is the leading homeless and housing charity for the Liverpool region. We work with people who are rough sleeping, living in hostels or struggling to manage their accommodation. We are committed to helping people find and maintain a home and learn the life skills essential for independent living.

Last year we supported 4,000 people in Liverpool who were experiencing homelessness. It's only thanks to the generosity of supporters like you that we're able to continue our life-changing, life-saving work. 

We believe prevention is the first step in the fight against homelessness. We aim to offer support in housing at every step of the journey of homelessness, from the moment a person is at risk of losing their home, right through to those who have become entrenched in a ‘street lifestyle'. With this in mind, we also prevented 1,050 individuals from becoming homeless thanks to interventions for those at risk including drop-in advice sessions, benefits advice and personal negotiation with landlords and agencies. 

We supported a further 2,467 homeless people into the right accommodation for their needs. We also ensured 332 people had access to education and employment activities to enable them to continue to live independently.

Because of your support and generosity, our vital services remain open to all, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a 24hr public helpline (0300 123 2041), and dedicated Street Outreach Teams.

We know that there are so many more people in Liverpool who still need our help, and, with your ongoing support, we'll continue to offer help to anyone who needs it. Thank you.

Kind regards

Monday 22 November 2021

Hub of Hope

This national Mental Health Database is now in its second year and is growing with more resources each day. You can also download the Hub of Hope app called Hope for smartphones or tablets.

Mental Health is so important. Here is the Hub of Hope database and you can access it via by entering your postcode you get access to the catalogue and the database is filtered to resources local to your location.

When you select the relevant topic from the catalogue the list of resources will be displayed with the relevant information in such as, if the service is open or closed for the day or if they are in person, over the phone or online support.

Christmas Prize Draw


The Members Christmas Prize Draw 2021

25 current Branch Members have been selected at random, using a random selection tool.

The winners will be contacted directly to make arrangements for delivery of their prize.

Friday 19 November 2021

Branch E-News - Issue 40

Dear Members,

You can find Issue 40 of E-News HERE

Many thanks,


You can access our E-News Archive HERE

Sunday 14 November 2021

Three changes for drivers this month

Two of the changes could see you be hit with six penalty points added to your license

Drivers are being warned to prepare for three upcoming changes to the current road rules in order to avoid fines of up to £1,000. The DVLA has issued a warning to drivers telling them to ensure that they check whether they are affected by the new rules.

Each new rule comes into action by the end of November, giving motorists only a short period of time to act before the changes. New changes on the road include the end of the driving licence extension, and a new area added to the clean-air zone initiative. 

Here we outline all three rules so you can ensure you don't get hit with a hefty fine...

1.Driving license extension 

During lockdown it was announced that an additional 11 months would be added to any driving licences which were due to expire between 1 February and 31 December 2020. The extension was introduced in order to reduce admin and costs during the pandemic. 

However, if your licence was due to expire on 31 December, you have only until 30 November to renew your licence.

Anyone caught driving without a valid driving license can be fined up to £1,000, and be hit with anywhere between three to six penalty points. It can also result in any insurance claims being rejected.

2.Clean-air zones

London was the first to introduce new clean-air zones, in order to reduce pollution and emissions. Birmingham has since followed in the capital's foot steps, introducing a low emissions zone earlier this year. 

Now, Portsmouth has also launched a clean-air zone, in an attempt to stop the use of old diesel cars. From 29 November it will come into action in the area, applying to all non-compliant vehicles including HGVs, buses, coaches, and taxis. 

There will also be a £10 daily fee for driving in certain sections of the city.

3.Changes to towing rules 

This rule applies to anyone who passed their driving test on or after 1 January 1997. From 15 November, you will be legally allowed to tow trailers up to 3,500kg MAM.

The DVLA will automatically update your driving record, which will then show you are allowed to tow trailers. Category BE will be added to your next new driving licence. 

It is important you are aware of the specific weight, as anyone found towing anything heavier than the amount of kilograms allowed, can be fined £1,000, be banned from driving, and get up to six penalty points added to their licence.

Friday 12 November 2021

Wet Weather Cycling

Wet Weather Cycling

Cyclists need to take care out there during the wet weather across the winter period.

Muc-Off have you covered with there range of lubes to keep you and your bike moving in the wet. Check out their bundle deals for your bike this winter.

Twice Weekly Testing


A reminder for staff working on-site at the university that you must take a lateral flow test, twice a week and post the results on the NHS Report a Test Result Site.

If you test Positive for COVID-19 you must them follow the up to date LJMU CoVid-19 Guidelines, you can read them HERE. You must then also book a PCR Test. You can do that from the NHS Site HERE.

Bullying in the Workplace


During the course of representing members with issues. It has come to the branches attention, that bullying has been going on. For a change we are not talking about Management or Team Leaders, bullying staff. We already know this goes on with LJMU. When the branch is informed by members of it happening, UNISON@LJMU attempt to dealt with it swiftly along with HR.


The bullying we are talking about is currently being performed by Staff Members, Bullying Management and Team Leaders. UNISON@LJMU will not stand for any form of bullying within the work place, from anyone. 

It’s come to our attention that the bullying has been occurring via E-Mails, Texts and WhatsApp messages. It has forced two Team Leaders to resigning from their posts within their departments and the University losing valuable staffing resources.

As always, if you see any form of bullying taking place, please report it HERE.

Fairness in Appeals Process

Fairness in Appeals Process 

Back in January UNISON@LJMU informed you of the below change to the LJMU Disciplinary Policy, where the final independent appeals stage is currently overseen by the Board of Governors.


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27th January 2021

The Board of Governors has requested that LJMU remove them from the appeal stage for disciplinary hearings within LJMU. In the proposed change they would be replaced by members of the Executive Leadership Team (ELT).

The three unions at LJMU have serious concerns about this change. Since 1996 the Board of Governors has been the last stage, in the appeals process. Along with that, they are the only independent body within the university. The majority of the appeals, that are brought and heard before the Board of Governors are won in favor of the unions. It’s not as if there are many of them as they number on average, three per year.

This is a major unprecedented change in Higher Education (HE). From the research undertaken by members of the UCU Branch Committee. No other Higher Education Institutions (HEI) have removed the Board of Governors from this process.

We are asking for every member to support the three unions in this issue. This makes a big difference directly in people's lives. As jobs are kept or lost through this process. The three unions believe that removing the Board of Governors, it makes the appeals procedure unbalanced in favor of the university.

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GMB, UCU, and UNISON@LJMU have worked hard communicating with members and none members across the university estate. Trying to rally support to oppose this move.


Unfortunately, we have to report that we have been defeated in this fight. The decision has been made and the governors have been removed from the policy. The new policy has been imposed against the joint union's recommendations.


The final independent stage from now on is conducted by an LJMU Manager making it not independent at all.

Outsourcing Cleaning Staff

Cleaning Staff

LJMU Management have attempted to introduce an external cleaning agency (Outsourcing) on campus to clean the Sports Centre and the Student Life Building for cleaning shifts from 9 pm to 12 midnight.

Once GMB and UNISON@LJMU heard about this they made enquiries as to why the management hasn’t requested volunteers from within the current cleaning staff. The management replied that they emailed the cleaning staff with the request but no one came forward to volunteer.

On closer investigation by GMB and UNISON@LJMU, it was discovered that the email list was out of date and didn’t contain the majority of the current cleaning staff. It did contain the names of staff members who had left LJMU, retired and even a few that we’re deceased. 

Bernie Lalkham, GMB and Andy Beech, UNISON@LJMU requested a pause on the outsourcing opportunity, while they organised several meetings across the estate with the LJMU cleaning staff. The situation was explained at the meetings and we are happy to be informing you that several volunteers have come forward to work the 9 pm to 12 midnight shifts on a trial basis.

This attempt to introduce outsourcing into LJMU, was only intervened by GMB and UNISON@LJMU, due to communications from members. This yet again proves that the strength and reach of the branch membership is vital to the success of the work that the branch can perform.

Recommend UNISON to a none member, they can join online today by clicking the go for growth logo.

Thursday 11 November 2021

Free Flu Vaccine

Free Flu Vaccine

As part of LJMU's focus on staff wellbeing, they are offering free e-vouchers to get your flu jab this winter.

Flu is contagious and it can be passed through coughing, sneezing or by touching contaminated surfaces. Most flu outbreaks usually happen in late autumn or winter and being vaccinated is likely to give you effective protection against the strains of flu virus contained in the vaccine.

All you need to do is email to request an e-voucher, make an appointment with your nearest participating Boots Pharmacy and present the e-voucher when you go for your vaccination.

Please note: if you are already eligible for a free flu jab through the NHS please do not request an e-voucher through LJMU. Instead, contact your GP.

Face Masks & LJMU - update

Face Masks & LJMU - update

The LJMU CoVid Operation Group (COG) has once again made it Mandatory to wear a face covering within all LJMU Buildings. Face coverings must be worn in all communal areas along with lecture theatres, classrooms and laboratories. They can be removed if the person is working at an individual desk or pc. If they are working in groups then they must also be worn.

The LJMU Health and Safety Work-stream has taken advice from local regional agencies, along with discussions with staff and having received complaints from lecturer's, they have advised COG that it would be prudent to go back to mandatory  face coverings with in all buildings. Especially taking into account with flu and winter fast approaching, plus the CoVid infection rate within the North West are on the increase once again.


The University continues to participate in the use the Sun Flower Hidden Disabilities scheme for Staff, Students and Visitors, who are exempt from wearing a face covering. 

Please respect people wearing these lanyards and maintain the meter distance between them and yourselves.

Staff can obtain these directly from the LJMU HR Department or either of the Libraries or any of the LJMU Building Reception Desks.

It’s important that Staff be vigilant moving forward and report infractions of the wearing of Face Coverings to Management. This is so that they are aware and can take action if required.

Whitechapel Centre - Christmas Donations


Christmas Donations 2021

It’s starting to look a lot like Christmas out there and you may have already noticed that the Whitechapel Christmas Donation Boxes have started to appear around the LJMU estate.

UNISON@LJMU have made a £500.00 Donation to the centre on behalf of the members.

Please note that they are no longer able to accept any donations at the centre on Langsdale Street. Donations can now be dropped off at their warehouse:


Unit 6, 10A Blackstock Street, Liverpool L3 6EP
Open every Monday, Wednesday & Friday 10am to 3pm. ​Tel: 07795 616727.

You can also drop off clothes donations to our two charity shops.
They advise you call to check they have space to accept donations.

They need the following:  


Christmas treats - Advent calendars, selection boxes, biscuits, chocolate
Cereal & UHT milk

Bottled water & cordial
Coffee, tea bags, sugar 
Tinned meals, e.g. curry, chilli
Tinned tuna, ham, corned beef, vegetables
Microwave meals 

Noodles, rice & pulses
Cooking sauces 
Mayonnaise, ketchup, brown sauce
​Honey, jam
Fruit  (fresh and tinned) 
Gravy granules, Salt & pepper

Shaving foam & razors
Deodorant (spray not roll-on)
​Shower Gel
Christmas gift sets
Toothbrushes & t
​Sun cream

Clothing: (Small / medium sizes)
Men's boxer shorts (new)
Female underwear (new)
Long sleeved tops 
Hooded tracksuits 
Tracksuit bottoms, jeans 
Womens leggings
Gloves, hats & scarves

Duvets, pillows, covers & sheets
We are only able to accept new items, in its original packaging. 

Pet Supplies: 
Dog food, treats, leads and collars

Household items:
Tableware, cups, cutlery, plates, napkins, serving trays
​Carrier bags
Kettles, microwaves, toasters, irons etc (new and boxed)​
Towels (new only) 

We've got plenty of:
Sanitary products
Used children's toys, bikes & car seats
​Books, CDs & DVDs
Bedding, sleeping bags & roll mats

Wednesday 10 November 2021

Disabled Parking at LJMU

Since LJMU notified the staff that Disabled Parking at LJMU was no longer to be free. UNISON@LJMU has taken the lead in discussions with staff across the estate, with the aim to persuade LJMU to reverse this decision.

This is further disadvantaging members of staff who are already limited to how they travel to work. For many, driving is the only means available for them to attend work each day. To then force them to pay for the privilege, UNISON@LJMU feels this goes against Equality. Taking into account that in general Blue Badge Holders are mainly entitled to free parking facilities. 

It’s with great pleasure that working in cooperation with members of LJMU Staff across the university from various service teams, departments, and Staff Networks and also GMB and UCU that LJMU has announced that they have reversed this decision and Disabled Parking is to remain Free at LJMU.

Sunday 7 November 2021

Work Smart - Work your proper hours

Over five million people at work in the UK regularly do unpaid overtime, giving their employers £35 billion of free work last year. If you're one, why not take some time to reflect on how well (or badly) you're balancing your life? This is one day in the year to make the most of your own time. Take a proper lunchbreak and leave work on time to enjoy your Friday evening - You deserve it!

Long hours are not good for us; they cause stress; they're bad for our health; they wreck relationships; they make caring for children or dependents more difficult; and tired, burnt-out staff are bad for business.

We’re not saying Britain should turn into a nation of clock watchers. Few people mind putting in extra effort from time to time when it is needed, but it is too easy for extra time to be taken for granted and expected day in day out. Catch up with a friend, go to the movies, take a stroll down the park or surprise your family by getting home early. Make the most of your own time!

Many of us work far longer than the hours set out in our contract. And if you’ve got a rewarding job, when there’s a crisis or a rush of orders that may be fair enough. But your extra work should never be taken for granted. That way you end up doing a little more each week until the stress and fatigue starts to count, and you find you’re giving up too much of your personal life.

Of course, if you’re paid overtime then your work is at least being measured and valued. But more and more of us do the kind of white collar jobs that don’t get paid overtime.

The Overtime Calculator will tell you what you might be missing out on. Just enter what you earn, how long you're meant to work and how long you actually do work every week. The Calculator will work out the rest, and tell you when in the year you stop working unpaid overtime, and start earning for yourself.

Monday 1 November 2021

Let’s get Growing in November

It’s day 1 of a 30-day month campaign to grow our branch membership.

Yep, that’s right it’s back same time every year its Grovember for November.

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Global Day for Climate Change - Liverpool

Start: Saturday, November 06, 2021 • 12:00 PM

Sefton Park Gates by the Obelisk, Liverpool, L17 1AP

Host Contact Info:

In November the UN "COP26" climate talks begin in Glasgow. We will be protesting across the world to demand radical action on climate change and climate justice.

Climate change is already destroying the lives of millions of people. 2021 has seen floods and hurricanes to some of the biggest wildfires in history. The poorest people in the world and the Global South are disproportionately affected by these events, which have been created by the industrialisation of the richest nations.

In the UK the COP26 Coalition is calling protests across the country on Sat 6 Nov to demand climate justice. Many activists will protest in Glasgow, but there are regional and local events as well to ensure maximum participation.

This protest has been called by the Liverpool COP26 Hub.

More info:

Liverpool COP26 Hub is also still looking for people to volunteer to Steward the event. If you are interested, check out our website for details: