Wednesday 24 November 2021

Thank You


On behalf of The Whitechapel Centre, I would like to thank you for your recent donation of £500.00. We are very grateful to you for thinking of us and our clients, your donation really does make a difference. 

The Whitechapel Centre is the leading homeless and housing charity for the Liverpool region. We work with people who are rough sleeping, living in hostels or struggling to manage their accommodation. We are committed to helping people find and maintain a home and learn the life skills essential for independent living.

Last year we supported 4,000 people in Liverpool who were experiencing homelessness. It's only thanks to the generosity of supporters like you that we're able to continue our life-changing, life-saving work. 

We believe prevention is the first step in the fight against homelessness. We aim to offer support in housing at every step of the journey of homelessness, from the moment a person is at risk of losing their home, right through to those who have become entrenched in a ‘street lifestyle'. With this in mind, we also prevented 1,050 individuals from becoming homeless thanks to interventions for those at risk including drop-in advice sessions, benefits advice and personal negotiation with landlords and agencies. 

We supported a further 2,467 homeless people into the right accommodation for their needs. We also ensured 332 people had access to education and employment activities to enable them to continue to live independently.

Because of your support and generosity, our vital services remain open to all, operating 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, a 24hr public helpline (0300 123 2041), and dedicated Street Outreach Teams.

We know that there are so many more people in Liverpool who still need our help, and, with your ongoing support, we'll continue to offer help to anyone who needs it. Thank you.

Kind regards

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