Friday 12 November 2021

Bullying in the Workplace


During the course of representing members with issues. It has come to the branches attention, that bullying has been going on. For a change we are not talking about Management or Team Leaders, bullying staff. We already know this goes on with LJMU. When the branch is informed by members of it happening, UNISON@LJMU attempt to dealt with it swiftly along with HR.


The bullying we are talking about is currently being performed by Staff Members, Bullying Management and Team Leaders. UNISON@LJMU will not stand for any form of bullying within the work place, from anyone. 

It’s come to our attention that the bullying has been occurring via E-Mails, Texts and WhatsApp messages. It has forced two Team Leaders to resigning from their posts within their departments and the University losing valuable staffing resources.

As always, if you see any form of bullying taking place, please report it HERE.

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