Sunday 7 November 2021

Work Smart - Work your proper hours

Over five million people at work in the UK regularly do unpaid overtime, giving their employers £35 billion of free work last year. If you're one, why not take some time to reflect on how well (or badly) you're balancing your life? This is one day in the year to make the most of your own time. Take a proper lunchbreak and leave work on time to enjoy your Friday evening - You deserve it!

Long hours are not good for us; they cause stress; they're bad for our health; they wreck relationships; they make caring for children or dependents more difficult; and tired, burnt-out staff are bad for business.

We’re not saying Britain should turn into a nation of clock watchers. Few people mind putting in extra effort from time to time when it is needed, but it is too easy for extra time to be taken for granted and expected day in day out. Catch up with a friend, go to the movies, take a stroll down the park or surprise your family by getting home early. Make the most of your own time!

Many of us work far longer than the hours set out in our contract. And if you’ve got a rewarding job, when there’s a crisis or a rush of orders that may be fair enough. But your extra work should never be taken for granted. That way you end up doing a little more each week until the stress and fatigue starts to count, and you find you’re giving up too much of your personal life.

Of course, if you’re paid overtime then your work is at least being measured and valued. But more and more of us do the kind of white collar jobs that don’t get paid overtime.

The Overtime Calculator will tell you what you might be missing out on. Just enter what you earn, how long you're meant to work and how long you actually do work every week. The Calculator will work out the rest, and tell you when in the year you stop working unpaid overtime, and start earning for yourself.

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