Thursday 11 November 2021

Face Masks & LJMU - update

Face Masks & LJMU - update

The LJMU CoVid Operation Group (COG) has once again made it Mandatory to wear a face covering within all LJMU Buildings. Face coverings must be worn in all communal areas along with lecture theatres, classrooms and laboratories. They can be removed if the person is working at an individual desk or pc. If they are working in groups then they must also be worn.

The LJMU Health and Safety Work-stream has taken advice from local regional agencies, along with discussions with staff and having received complaints from lecturer's, they have advised COG that it would be prudent to go back to mandatory  face coverings with in all buildings. Especially taking into account with flu and winter fast approaching, plus the CoVid infection rate within the North West are on the increase once again.


The University continues to participate in the use the Sun Flower Hidden Disabilities scheme for Staff, Students and Visitors, who are exempt from wearing a face covering. 

Please respect people wearing these lanyards and maintain the meter distance between them and yourselves.

Staff can obtain these directly from the LJMU HR Department or either of the Libraries or any of the LJMU Building Reception Desks.

It’s important that Staff be vigilant moving forward and report infractions of the wearing of Face Coverings to Management. This is so that they are aware and can take action if required.

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